Chapter V – Going digital
V. 1 – Exploring Mobility Possibilities in the European Union
What mobility options are available in the EU?
What steps should olderpreneurs follow
to apply effectively to mobility experiences?
Read MoreV. 1 – Exploring Mobility Possibilities in the European UnionV. 2 – Exploring and Participating in the International Mobility Database
Understand what a database is, in this case, related to SASSI LLC mobilities.
Recognise the rationale, purpose and objectives of the SASSI LLC Mobility Database
Read MoreV. 2 – Exploring and Participating in the International Mobility DatabaseV. 3 – Guiding the Journey: Ambassadors’ Communication Strategy for Older Workers
Understand what a communication plan is and be aware of its objectives. Learn to design a comprehensive and robust communication strategy.
Read MoreV. 3 – Guiding the Journey: Ambassadors’ Communication Strategy for Older Workers