Silver Age Silver Sage Initiative – Later-life Careers
Practice and counselling that enables and encourages older workers to remain in or re-enter the labour market

Welcome to the SASSI Hub!
The SASSI LLC Project is about enabling Later-life (55+) career counselling for longer and more meaningful working lives. It is aimed both at C-VET Professionals (such as trainers, career counsellors, and others), and older workers seeking a revitalisation of their professional role. We have created numerus resources useful for both groups. In the About section you will learn more about the project, it’s target groups, history, and partnership, as well as updates about recent developments.
We have some resources which can be used directly by older workers:
- The Guide to becoming an Olderpreneur helps discover ways to maintain an active later professional life.
- The Ambassadors for mobility in Later-life offers a fresh perspective on travelling and learning in older age.
- The Mobility database provides the contacts of organisations offering mobility experiences.
Some of our resources are directed at professionals such as trainers and career counsellors:
- The Manual for Supporting Lafer-life career choice contains everything a professional needs to know about the project and all its resources.
- We provide access to courses from the SASSI I and II Projects, such as Effective CPD for older workers, CPD for careers advisors working with older people, Intercultural competences.
- In our Toolbox, we have a plethora of resources, from a glossary of key terms, though a Competence assessment system, contacts of organizations, a library, best practices, and much more.
Click on the branch that interests you most and start exploring!