CHAPTER I – The Benefits of Working and Studying Abroad

I. 1. – Can Older Workers be Mobile?
Motivating factors and barriers
The benefits of mobilities for
employees, employers and hosts
Older workers and mobilities
Read MoreI. 1. – Can Older Workers be Mobile?
I. 2. – Mobilities as CPD
The employee of the 21st century as a lifelong learner engaged in constant continuous professional development (CPD).
Read MoreI. 2. – Mobilities as CPD
I. 3. – Mobilities as Networking Vessels
The action or process of interacting with others to exchange information and develop professional or social contacts.
Read MoreI. 3. – Mobilities as Networking Vessels
I. 4. – Mobilities and Innovation
What exactly is innovation, and how it is helped by participating in mobilities?
Read MoreI. 4. – Mobilities and InnovationCHAPTER II – Types of Mobilities

II. 1. – Short-term Mobilities
Knowing the positive impact of a learning mobility and turning it from an exception into a rule for everyone should be our collective aim.
Read MoreII. 1. – Short-term Mobilities
II. 2. – Long-term Mobilities
Get familiar with the different types of long-term mobilities and reflect on these mobilities in the context of older workers.
Read MoreII. 2. – Long-term Mobilities
II. 3. – Volunteering
Get familiar with benefits of volunteering and volunteering mobilities. Reflect on these mobilities in the context of older workers.
Read MoreII. 3. – VolunteeringCHAPTER III – The Role of an Ambassador

III. 1. – Who are Ambassadors for Mobility in Later Life?
Understanding the key characteristics of an ambassador for mobility in later life.
Read MoreIII. 1. – Who are Ambassadors for Mobility in Later Life?
III. 2. – Responsibilities and Concrete Tasks of an Ambassador – The Benefits of Mobility
Becoming a better Ambassador by mastering the knowledge on cognitive biases.
Read MoreIII. 2. – Responsibilities and Concrete Tasks of an Ambassador – The Benefits of Mobility
III. 3. – Responsibilities and Concrete Tasks of an Ambassador – Overcoming Barriers
Let’s get deeper into the stereotypes and potential barriers that people might encounter in relation to mobility programmes.
Read MoreIII. 3. – Responsibilities and Concrete Tasks of an Ambassador – Overcoming Barriers
III. 4. – Responsibilities and Concrete Tasks of an Ambassador – Planning and Implementing Mobility
Support planning and implementation – Knowing how to ideally prepare and accompany a mobility
Read MoreIII. 4. – Responsibilities and Concrete Tasks of an Ambassador – Planning and Implementing Mobility
III. 5. – The Ambassador as Storyteller
Stories are rather the vessel shifting your client/mentee’s mindset away from the abstract fear of mobility or entrepreneurship towards a more concrete image of it.
Read MoreIII. 5. – The Ambassador as Storyteller
III. 6. – The Importance of Intercultural Competence
Understand how culture shapes perception and being conscious about your own culturally shaped values, beliefs and biases.
Read MoreIII. 6. – The Importance of Intercultural CompetenceCHAPTER IV – Mobility in Practice

IV. 1. – Select an Appropriate Mobility
Workplace mobility can be one element in the career development that can be defined as a series of activities or the lifelong process of developing one’s career.
Read MoreIV. 1. – Select an Appropriate Mobility
IV. 2. – Legal Aspects of a Mobility
Learn about the relevant legal requirements for a mobility planning and where to find resources.
Read MoreIV. 2. – Legal Aspects of a Mobility
IV. 3. – Self-directed Learning in Mobilities
If you like taking responsibility for what you learn and master, a self-directed learning experience might be the right way to go.
Read MoreIV. 3. – Self-directed Learning in Mobilities
IV. 4. – Monitor and Evidence Competence Development
Being aware of your desired improvements prior to the mobility will help assess the progress you have made. Evidencing helps you in various ways.
Read MoreIV. 4. – Monitor and Evidence Competence DevelopmentChapter V – Going digital

V. 1 – Exploring Mobility Possibilities in the European Union
What mobility options are available in the EU?
What steps should olderpreneurs follow
to apply effectively to mobility experiences?
Read MoreV. 1 – Exploring Mobility Possibilities in the European Union
V. 2 – Exploring and Participating in the International Mobility Database
Understand what a database is, in this case, related to SASSI LLC mobilities.
Recognise the rationale, purpose and objectives of the SASSI LLC Mobility Database
Read MoreV. 2 – Exploring and Participating in the International Mobility Database
V. 3 – Guiding the Journey: Ambassadors’ Communication Strategy for Older Workers
Understand what a communication plan is and be aware of its objectives. Learn to design a comprehensive and robust communication strategy.
Read MoreV. 3 – Guiding the Journey: Ambassadors’ Communication Strategy for Older WorkersFliers

The fliers are a source of information to support ambassadors in promoting the concept of learning mobility in later life.
Read MoreFliers