A New Lock on Life

Hi. I am M. I worked in maintenance in a sugar producing factory. I always believed that I will not be made redundant.  Losing my job in my fifties was a bit of a shock. I was not prepared to register at the employment office and become unemployed.

After my first meeting with Z. I was sceptical. We discussed a lot and surprisingly, everything started to change slowly. We managed to acquire better overview of the most relevant points in my situation which at first I myself found rather puzzling. Slowly I could feel that I was capable of things I would not even have thought before. What helped me most was becoming more aware of things I could really do and breaking down my plan into logical manageable steps.

I have never had too much confidence in working with IT. I was really thrilled when I had managed to opened my business electronically and started to enjoy the dynamics and opportunities it provided. I opened my own small business as a locksmith. With help of Z. I manage to organise everything necessary, even hire an accountant. I never wanted to do office work and it is relaxing to have someone who helps me with paperwork, numbers and legal issues such as insurance, tax, etc.  Comparing my self-confidence now and at the time I lost my job it is an incredible change. I am enjoying my life much more than I expected a year ago.

I was never prepared for any kind of business at school. I was worried and scared about it, and the counsellor, by analysing my abilities, skills and practice, made it clear to me what a quality person I am, what I know, and that only fear limits my steps and possibilities. She helped me open a business; I cooperate with two companies for which I perform locksmith work. I am glad that I was able to go to my counsellor and I recommend her to others.”

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